Posts Tagged: Writing

A Pocket Full Of Electronic Books

On the train, flying north. A pocket full of electronic books, a window full of misty countryside. The window wins.

Weeknote 26 November 2023

A week like this week makes writing a weeknote a little challenging as it has been really rather quiet. I forgot to mention that I managed to catch an Apple Studio Display on the refurb store and it arrived last week. This week’s nerd action has therefore been planning and executing a cable free deskContinue Reading ›

Weeknote 8th October 2023

I want to get back to writing and publishing, I thought about resurrecting my newsletter but it never gained any real traction, mostly due to my rather ad hoc publishing approach I suspect. I’ve recently seen a couple of bloggers using weeknotes and feel that could be a nice framework without any self imposed pressure or expectations. Time willContinue Reading ›

On Clear Writing

Via Do Lectures Newsletter

Owning My Own Content

Last weekend I was about to post some photos from a frosty forest walk onto Instagram and paused as I was pondering the best tags to add to ‘drive engagement’. I remembered a commitment I’d made to myself over Christmas – to consume mindfully, to create more and to own the content I create. IContinue Reading ›

35 Years Of Progress?

Ian Bogost’s Atlantic article I Wrote This on a 30-Year-Old Computer was written entirely on an 30 year old Macintosh SE and makes for a fascinating trip down memory lane and back to the future. There’s much to think about in the article, but one line really stood out to me: Computing was an accompaniment to life,Continue Reading ›