Posts Tagged: Work

Make My Logo Bigger!!!

This is for every designer and marketeer that has had to work with less “enlightened” colleagues and clients. So true and so funny… Make My Logo Bigger!!!

The Scum Career Development Model

I watched Scum for the first time recently. It is a great film, tough to watch in places, and confirmed to me what I had always suspected – I wouldn’t last 10 minutes in prison. However, it did make me think about the hierarchical, structured environment in which I find myself daily – the corporateContinue Reading ›

Corporate Blogs

I’ve worked in two companies now where the idea of a blog has been mooted. I think corporate blogs are, on the whole, a terrible idea. Unless genuinely written by an employee (who says it has to be an executive after all) with ability, charisma and genuine interest in blogging they are going to beContinue Reading ›

London Calling

Samuel Johnson said “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” Well, I was starting to become tired of London when I was working there; experiencing too much of the tedious, overcrowded public transport side of London and not enough ofContinue Reading ›

Good Bye Blue Box

Friday was my last day at American Express and it was a very, very good day but also a sad day. One of the things I wanted during my notice period was to do for one last time the things that I had enjoyed about London. One was eating dim sum; I’d never eaten dimContinue Reading ›

Seven Steps to Better Presentations

A great guide from Jeff Veen; I’ve seen Jeff present and he is a very good speaker indeed. Something I’d add to this is to keep the information on your slides to a minimum. People are there to hear you talk; not to read ten bullet points and a paragraph long title per slide.