Photo 366 – The First 100 Days

After 100 days of my Photo 366 project I thought I’d pause and review how it’s going.

When I started the project I said:

I think my Photo 366 project will be a challenge to keep fresh with interesting photographs. I commute to London at least four days a week, well I say London but my employers recently moved to Angel; a Northern suburb of London, and possibly the most uninteresting, and un-photogenic area of London I’ve visited. So finding subjects worthy of photographing and not resorting to repeated pictures of the London skyline will be a challenge.

So has Photo 366 seen me out and about looking for interesting photographic subjects? If I’m honest not really.

The area I work in is still as uninteresting, and un-photogenic as it was when I started, and I haven’t felt inspired to explore it any further. But my project has made me look around me more, and notice things I might not have noticed before.

Many of the photos are of railway stations or from trains; two places in which I spend too much of my working days.

Beer, coffee and food all feature prominently, but given my well known love for them it’s perhaps not a huge surprise.

The surface of my desk at home also makes several appearances, as the days I work from home have been some of the more challenging ones; hence a number of shots of ‘something on my desk’.

I’ll admit there have been a few days where I’ve almost forgotten to take a photograph, which accounts for a some of the less imaginative shots.

So after 100 days am I still enjoying Photo 366? Yes I am.

Whilst I want to make more effort to get out and look for more interesting shots, I’m also enjoying recording my day to day. I particularly like recording events from specific days in a photograph such as, for example, my 100th photograph Orbital live at Cambridge Corn Exchange:

Coincidentally I deleted my Instagram account on day 100, the day that Facebook acquired them, which I hope from a photographic standpoint will see me taking photographs that rely less on 70s effects and more on subject and composition.

I’m looking forward to the next 100 days.