I’ve just got back from a fantastic week away in Cornwall to find very pleasant surprise waiting for me in my inbox – one of my photographs of the Pantheon has been selected for use in the new version of the Schmap guide to Rome.
I’ve been very lucky to visit some amazingly photographic places and have been very pleased with the photos I have taken on my travels. The photos that I have shared on Flickr are available under Creative Commons licence so that others can use them and if I’m honest in the hope that one or more would maybe be published. This is a very nice first step but I’d really love to see one of my photos in print.
You see I have a unspoken goal to “get into” travel photography; not as a full-time job but as “side line” or hobby. Although, who knows maybe one day when my Premium Bonds come up it could be a full time hobby.I’m especially proud of the photos I took in Tokyo and India; in both locations it was impossible to turn around without seeing another great photograph waiting to be taken.
What I especially like about the photo chosen for inclusion in the Schamp guide is that it was one I took with my phone. Proving that you don’t need expensive cameras and lenses just an eye for the defining moment.