Archive For November 2007

Did I Speak Too Soon?

Having cited Apple as an example of companies bringing their customer service back home I was dissapointed to read this item over at Boing Boing Gadgets which seems to suggest that they aren’t. Not only has the writer repeatedly had trouble getting through to Apple but when he got through this is the quality serviceContinue Reading ›

An Open Letter on the Subject of Customer Service

Dear readers, customer and company representatives, I am sick and tired of bad service. Not of bad products and goods but of the service that supports those products or is the product itself. I am fed up with you seeing me as an annoyance, as something that costs you money to provide a service toContinue Reading ›

Make My Logo Bigger!!!

This is for every designer and marketeer that has had to work with less “enlightened” colleagues and clients. So true and so funny… Make My Logo Bigger!!!