Posts Tagged: Poetry

A Pocket Full Of Electronic Books

On the train, flying north. A pocket full of electronic books, a window full of misty countryside. The window wins.

Slipping The Surly Bonds of Earth

I’ve just returned from the Pixel Pioneers conference in Belfast; I flew from Heathrow to Belfast City, a quick hop over the Irish Sea. On the way out the weather was misty with very low cloud; just moments after we slipped the surly bonds of earth we were above the clouds, emerging into bright, beautiful sunshine. IContinue Reading ›

London Haiku

A windy London Blowing dust into my eyes More tears in the rain

High Flight on Radio 4

Radio 4 yesterday ran an interesting programme about High Flight a favourite poem of mine. The programme explores the history of the poet and pilot John Magee and of the poem itself. The programme is available on iPlayer for another 6 days and is worth a listen; although I could have quite happily gone without everContinue Reading ›

High Flight

I suppose I’m a relative latecomer to poetry having only started to appreciate it in the last couple of years. I don’t recall ever reading poetry at school, and, perhaps unconventionally, it was the use of poetry in films that piqued my interest. This was followed by finding a book of The Nation’s Favourite PoemsContinue Reading ›


Fresh morning air and low summer sun, the air not yet polluted by the day, cool on my face and crisp in my lungs, the beauty of the early morning.