Posts Tagged: Funny

The All Purpose Postcard

I think this all purpose postcard is marvellous; just tick the boxes, and pop it in the post. From now on I shall address all postcards Dear Cads.

Cornwall The Horn Of Plenty

I love Cornwall, it’s somewhere I feel instantly at home and at ease. I love the landscape and the sea, I love the food and the beer, and the people are lovely. This wonderful video shows so much of why I love Cornwall, why it’s the shape it is, and what happens when you get God drunk…

The Story Behind The Picture

I spent two weeks in India in 2003. On my last day I travelled from Delhi to Agra with my travel buddy Ben to see the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri. After leaving Delhi at dawn we had an eventful trip to Agra featuring security checkpoints, dancing bears and no less than threeContinue Reading ›

Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer

My chum Jon Hicks recently introduced me to a wonderful new musical genre called Chap Hop. The main exponents of Chap Hop are one Professor Elemental, and Mr B the self-titled Gentleman Rhymer. Jon highlighted two of Professor Elemental’s best tracks on his rather splendid blog, and it is my pleasure to share with you oneContinue Reading ›

Nike : Write The Future

I was saying just the other day that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen a really great advert. Well I’ve just seen the best ad I’ve seen in a long time: Write The Future from Nike. Sure it’s a huge budget epic full of over-paid footballers, but it captures the passion and theContinue Reading ›


I should really be getting to bed but thought I’d post this first.