Posts Tagged: Cornwall

Keynvor – Preservation

By far my most played and most loved new music of 2018 is Preservation by Keynvor. Preservation is a wonderful EP, composed by Sebastian Plano, that combines modern classical almost soundtrack-like music with recorded soundscapes of the rugged Cornish coast to create a beautifully evocative suite of music. Keynvor (pronounced Cain-Vor) is the Cornish wordContinue Reading ›

About Time

I just try to live every day, as though I’ve deliberately come back to this day to enjoy it, as though it was the last full final day of my extraordinary ordinary life.

Yallah Coffee Cornwall

I came across Yallah Coffee the week before I was due to travel to Cornwall, where Yallah are based, and in a wonderful piece of synchronicity they are located just a few miles from where we were going to be staying. A couple of emails later and Rich had kindly agreed to meet me, and letContinue Reading ›

Welcome to Cornwall

Obviously Photoshopped but also so very true. Cornwall is one of my favourite places and to me the almost complete lack of phone and data coverage is a feature not an issue.

Cornwall The Horn Of Plenty

I love Cornwall, it’s somewhere I feel instantly at home and at ease. I love the landscape and the sea, I love the food and the beer, and the people are lovely. This wonderful video shows so much of why I love Cornwall, why it’s the shape it is, and what happens when you get God drunk…