In case you hadn’t realised my previous post Just when I thought I was over you was an ode to the iPhone.
Signals vs. Noise has a very interesting post in which they say that one of the iPhone adverts is “perfect advertising”.
You know what they could be right.
I was very definitely over the iPhone until I saw those adverts but even more interesting and significant was the reaction of my 5 year old daughter who happened to be in the study when I watched them earlier today.
Her reaction?
“wow that’s cool”
“it’s got no buttons”
“you’re computer does that” (referring to Coverflow)
I found it interesting because she is going to be the target audience for future iPhones and those the seek to copy it. She accepted the the idea of a “buttonless” phone instantly and without question. She seemed to grasp how you could interact with the phone as quickly.
In the very near future we could have a generation that has never used a phone with buttons… cool.