Archive For July 2008
Can’t Read Can’t Write
I’ve just watched the first episode of Can’t Read Can’t Write a new documentary series on Channel 4. The series follows a group of adults aged between 21 and 58 that can’t as the title says read or write. I am shocked and disgusted that a person can be allowed to leave school without evenContinue Reading ›
iPhone 3G – One Week On
In my post iPhone 2.0 Wishlist I outlined what I hoped for from the new iPhone which Steve Jobs did indeed announce on June 9th – so did I get everything I wished for? I was lucky enough to receive my iPhone 3G on the July 11 launch day; I say lucky because the launch and the runContinue Reading ›
Yvon Chouinard – Back to the Outdoors
Following my recent posts on Yvon Chouinard and Let My People Go Surfing I was contacted by Sara White of Timex Expedition, who are supporting the US Conservation Alliance on a project called Return to the Outdoors which hopes to reconnect Americans “with nature and outdoor activity”. Now not something I would normally blog about but they have producedContinue Reading ›