Archive For September 2009

Monetising Twitter Trending Topics

I don’t like or normally use the term “monetise”, but it is the big question hanging over Twitter; how are they gonna make money from this thing? We saw last week that Twitter have secured another found of funding described as “significant”, and so we assume that at some point these investors are going toContinue Reading ›

Dedicated to the City

I was talking with a friend recently about cities; their similarities, their differences and what defines them. It struck me that cities are so much more than places and people; cities themselves have their own character and personality. It is this character, this personality that makes a city almost like a person. As with peopleContinue Reading ›


On this day my thoughts return to the events of September 11 2001. This year they are more sharply focussed having recently returned from my first trip to New York. I’m still left open mouthed and shocked every time I see footage of the planes hitting the towers and the buildings collapse. When I visitedContinue Reading ›