Posts Tagged: Social Media

RIP Twitter?

I took a break from Twitter when Musk took over and quickly laid off thousands of staff via email. I didn’t think that even he could do so much damage so quickly. I was one of the very early users of Twitter as it took off in the web design community. I’ve made friends throughContinue Reading ›

Owning My Own Content

Last weekend I was about to post some photos from a frosty forest walk onto Instagram and paused as I was pondering the best tags to add to ‘drive engagement’. I remembered a commitment I’d made to myself over Christmas – to consume mindfully, to create more and to own the content I create. IContinue Reading ›

35 Years Of Progress?

Ian Bogost’s Atlantic article I Wrote This on a 30-Year-Old Computer was written entirely on an 30 year old Macintosh SE and makes for a fascinating trip down memory lane and back to the future. There’s much to think about in the article, but one line really stood out to me: Computing was an accompaniment to life,Continue Reading ›

Distraction Sickness – Part Two

Earlier this year I took my daughter to the National Gallery in London, which houses one the most amazing collections of pre-Twentieth Century art in the world. Surrounded by incredible art from Van Gogh, Turner, Monet, Matisse, Cezanne, Vermeer to name just a few favourites an inexplicable number of visitors seemed more intent on the virtual worldContinue Reading ›

Distraction Sickness

Just look around you — at the people crouched over their phones as they walk the streets, or drive their cars, or walk their dogs, or play with their children. Observe yourself in line for coffee, or in a quick work break, or driving, or even just going to the bathroom. Visit an airport andContinue Reading ›

Only People Were Ever Meaningful

The central mistake of recent digital culture is to chop up a network of individuals so finely that you end up with a mush. You then start to care about the abstraction of the network more than the real people who are networked, even though the network by itself is meaningless. Only the people were ever meaningful. I’m readingContinue Reading ›