The Train

I’m on “the train”. I emphasise “the train” as when I was a child this was the train.

The train runs from Bletchley to Bedford, stopping at two of the villages I grew up in. My Grandparents lived in Bedford, and so when I went to visit them I’d travel along this line.

My bike would be stowed in the Guards Van (remember those?) and I’d be sat next to the window watching the familiar sites of the Millbrook test track, and the rather less glamorous, but equally fascinating London Brick Company pits and works.

The Bletchley to Bedford line forms part of the wonderfully named Varsity Line which ran from Oxford to Cambridge. Sadly the Oxford to Bletchley leg was closed some time ago, although there has been talk of it being reopened, which would be fabulous.

Driving cross-country to Oxford you can see old embankments, bridges and tunnels which I assume mark the old line to Oxford. Taking the Varsity Line to Oxford would be a very pretty journey through some lovely countryside.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to look out of the window at snow covered memories.