Archive For December 2008

2008 Review

Yes, it’s that time of year; time for another of those unoriginal and I’m sure largely unread review posts. So without further ado I give you my review of books and music for 2008. Books Since I stopped commuting by train my reading time has reduced markedly; I try to read at night but invariablyContinue Reading ›

WordPress 2.7

A few days ago I upgraded to the newly released, and latest version of WordPress: 2.7. When I saw the first shots of the new dashboard and IA for WordPress 2.7 I was  concerned that the changes were too great and perhaps not being done for the right reasons: change for changes sake. ButContinue Reading ›

Google Adds Tasks to Gmail

You may have seen the news that Google has added a tasks application to its Gmail email service.Well the even better news is that since they recently added Google Labs to Google Apps email I get to play with it also. I’ve tried a number of task apps over the years and not found oneContinue Reading ›